
PTTP was born to create solutions for the world through fashion and direct action. Where there’s a problem, there’s always a solution nearby. We seek to promote Power To The People from within, emphasizing the importance of self-efficacy and community every step of the way.

Capsule collections represent the harnessed creativity of The People to address issues and support solutions in the following areas:


Environmental Sustainability

There are very few relationships more important than the one between people and nature. PTTP believes that creativity can provide a voice and serve as a driving force behind policies and practices that protect air and water quality. The first step is getting outdoors!

Good Health and Well-Being

Taking care of your body is essential to tapping into your greatest human potential. PTTP seeks to promote this through its partnerships with community gardens and wellness programs that encourage healthy eating and one’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Gun Violence Prevention

We can all benefit from seeing the world through a different lens to understand why hurt people hurt people. PTTP believes that education and mentorship are essential to curtailing gun violence, working with communities to create global citizens that offer the best of themselves to spaces beyond the neighborhood. Value-added always! 

Criminal Justice Reform

Every man (and woman) deserves the opportunity to be a contributing member of society, even if unfavorable circumstances have led to poor decisions. PTTP seeks to partner with communities to create pathways for a better life through criminal justice reform, particularly for the wrongfully convicted and non-violent drug offenders serving time for punishments that are outdated and unfair.